Our new headquarter
Start with us into the future
Services with future potential and the corresponding increase in the number of orders and employees urgently need additional space. Karanfil Engineering met this challenge with flying colors in 2017 and made a new building including a new production hall a reality at the newly purchased company headquarters.
Our way to the solution
November 2018 – Celebration of moving in
Finally, in November 2018, we inaugurated our new company headquarters at Margret-Fusbahn-Str. 3 at the airfield in Sindelfingen. As guests of honor we were able to welcome Dr. Welcome to Vöhringer, Lord Mayor of the city of Sindelfingen, Mr. Brenner, Managing Director Zweckverband Flugfeld, and Mr. Dorday, Managing Director of Sindelfingen Economic Development. The entire workforce, business partners and friends as well as the management of the planning office
Casa Nova feierten mit uns dieses Ereignis.
June 2018 – Inauguration of the shell
The 2nd floor has been completed and the hall erected, so we were able to celebrate the completion of the shell with a champagne reception and delicacies from the buffet with employees, business partners and friends on June 21st, 2018. The inauguration was framed by the words of our carpenter handed down from generations and a birch tree decorated with colorful cloths and ribbons.
August 2017 – Kick-off
With the symbolic groundbreaking ceremony and a champagne reception, the earthworks for our new company headquarters on the airfield began on Friday morning. Our entire team and the property developer were of course also on site and were able to celebrate the official starting signal for the new building in a relaxed atmosphere and in good weather. After our team turned the first spade, the site was handed over to the excavators for the excavation.
February 2017 – purchase agreement
Karanfil Engineering has now signed a purchase contract for a 3250 square meter construction site on the Böblingen/Sindelfingen airfield and will be building a new company headquarters in Margret-Fusbahn-Straße from summer 2017. The engineering office specializes in the areas of electronics, in particular E/E testing and vehicle updates, as well as design and development solutions for the international automotive industry and is currently based in Fronäckerstraße in Sindelfingen.
Motifs with indication of the month: Mrs. Ann-Kathrin Hoffmann, Zweckverband Flugfeld